Bikini Wednesday AND Customer*Appreciation*Week….

Customer appreciation week and bikini Wednesday! xo
call and say hello
in honor of the jackathon
just to show you how much I do care and love to show off for you :)~
I am going to try to add photos daily 


leave me a comment and let me know you are enjoying them 

OR better yet…
May 12, 2010 * Update on My SISSY Ms.Marcy … She was so naughty last night ..  
She kept me up very late!
But, She did well on her assignments .. below is a  photo from Glamour shots …
The girls/photographers had so much fun  with Marcy!
They did her make up! 
They took photos and put her in all kinds of different poses !
Doesn’t she look pretty aww so sweet LOL
,In fact, the photographer gave me access to her computer!!
Just so I could see and have a few before they were ready for viewing!

*see below!

  1. sissy went to the mall
  2. sissy went to glamour shots
  3. sissy went to victoria secrets
  4. sissy had a girl help her find just the right panties
  5. sissy waited in a long line to check out
  6. good sissy and sooooooooo much more I have photos and videos too oh my!
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