Otherwise known as my loser ms.marcy or Mark Martin see I see 😂
This was from 2021 I think 💭
Marcy and I went to dinner.. as you can tell we both had a great time!
ps.. Fuck it right? Lol 😂
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Otherwise known as my loser ms.marcy or Mark Martin see I see 😂
This was from 2021 I think 💭
Marcy and I went to dinner.. as you can tell we both had a great time!
ps.. Fuck it right? Lol 😂
She and I were recently talking and decided it was time for her to have a fuck machine
Guess what Yup she has one!
I have been busy on ExposeAsissy.com
SissyExposure.net and Down-TheRabbitHole.com
oh and ms.marcy has her own site now too msmarcy.com
Things haven’t changed much…
I still, can’t help myself , I enjoy posting lol and exposing ..
I haven’t changed that much lol It’s the power & control Mmm
Times up new photos new task
I have decided its time to fill out a bucket list for ms.marcy
She will spin the wheel and we will go down the list!
What’s on your list?
This is a only draft “Wheel”… It will be finalized by January 2022
If for ANY REASON Mark / Marcy does NOT fore fill her obligations Her true identity will be outed to EVERYONE she knows! EVERYONE!