If you are a flirt, on Niteflirt.com, email me to be added to this site.
I will then make sure your page is NF compliant.
as long as it is, I will then send you a ptv, and Then all you have to do is add a banner! <~ if you do not add a banner i will take your listing down.
I will have your thumbnail up , right away!
You will also have a listing on phonesexenvy.com
I will add you for the month for $10
After that it's 3 months for $15 or $5 a month.
this listing will also link back to your listing on Niteflirt.
just send me 3-4 photos one for your thumbnail
and let me know which listing you would like to feature.
There is a blog for each featured flirt to use.
As of (2/1/12 ) I have started, paying for advertising. (email for the site)
I hope this helps all of us! Good luck!